My Mission

My mission as a coach is to identify the most direct, shortest pathway that is going to have you show up in your life in a way that will allow you to succeed and finally create your vision and goals.  

My Mission

Through a series of woman focused tailored coaching sessions, I help women in mid life and beyond overcome challenges in their lives that are causing them emotional pain. 

It could be pain associated with a relationship breakup, work related problems, overwhelming care responsibilites, financial problems and other life challenges unique to more mature ladies. 

I take those of you experiencing these challenges on a transformative journey.   By helping you dismantle limiting beliefs that hinder your growth and replacing them with empowering beliefs, it  will allow you to achieve a more balanced approach to home, work and family. 

I will assist you in breaking free from self-imposed barriers, unlock your full potential, and create meaningful, positive change in your life. By fostering a supportive and nurturing environment, I strive to inspire and empower you to embrace your femine power, be your authentic self, pursue your dreams, and manifest your truest aspirations. 

Together, we will embark on a path of self-discovery, personal growth, and holistic well-being, enabling YOU my client, to thrive in all aspects of your life.

Become the Radiant Butterfly born from the chrysalis that is the genius inside you....

If you would like to move from a 'fixed' story and give voice to a new 'growth' story and reclaim you creative power through my  woman focused, holistic coaching programmes , please contact me today.

To receive a FREE 1/2 hr Discovery Call on Zoom or by phone, please contact me: to see if we can work together to help you get from where you are in life now, to where you want to be.

"Thoughts create feelings, feelings create your actions, actions create your RESULTS!" 


Meet Sharon

Sharon was worn down by the routine of her daily life, where she felt trapped, disempowerd, worthless and overwhelmed at home and at work until she discovered a new path to freedom through the guidance of Life Coaching.

Feeling trapped in a job that no longer inspired her and grappling with personal challenges, she decided it was time for a change. 

Sharon decided so she needed help to change he life, so she reachedout to me through Facebook.  Through insightful conversations and personalized strategies,I helped Sharon redefine her goals and rediscover her passions. With each session, Sharon gained clarity surounding her true desires and strengths.

As Sharon applied the coaching principles to her professional life, she found the courage to pursue a career that aligned with her passions. The stagnant waters of her routine transformed into a river of possibilities. Embracing newfound confidence, she also addressed personal hurdles and fostered healthier relationships.

With time, and working through my 12 week coaching programme she invested in, Sharon's life blossomed into a vibrant tapestry of fulfillment. The shackles of the past were replaced by wings of empowerment, and she soared like a beautiful butterfly into a future she had once only dreamt of. 

The transformation was not just professional; it resonated in her overall well-being. Not only did she leave her unfullfilling job and embark on a new career, but also found a new intimate relationship with the man who eventually became her husband.   

Sharon's journey is a testament to the transformative power of life coaching, proving that it's never too late to rewrite one's story and find freedom in all aspects of life.

To receive a FREE 1/2 hr Discovery Call on Zoom or by phone, please contact me: or sign up to my newsletter and receive a free ebook to see if we can work together to help you get from where you are in life now, to where you want to be.