The Growth Pathway is a power partnership between your coach and you the client where your core beliefs and your self validation is challenged.
My mission is to help you break through to a 'NEW STORY', of power, growth and possibility.
The power partnership of coach and client will unfold the 'chrysalis' that is already within you. It allows you to connect with your greatest potentials and grow into your brilliance and genius, and to see opportunities that are bigger than you ever imagined. You emerge a courageous and radiant butterfly!
The barriers to women's success, even now in the 21st century, are both invisible and internal.
These manifest as struggling with self confidence, imposter syndrome, self sabotage, resistance, back sliding, overwhelm and lack of follow through.
However there are several primary hidden blocks to women's power to generate their higher possibilities, to step into their power and these include:
Shame: I am not worthy, Who I am is not safe, Who I am is not good enough, I am not deserving of love, I don't matter, I'm a burden etc., are all deep unconscious negative feelings.
A Mindset of Scarcity and Lack:
Isolation and disconnection from resources is a side effect of a logical linear masculine mindset and disconnects us from ourselves. Feeling we should be able to do it all by ourselves. This mindset translates into once again, feelings of shame having to ask for help.
Inner Barriers: Women's internal glass ceiling concept bump up against old feelings.
Power Blocks: These show up in many cultural patterns including the habitual way in which women seek external validation and feel incredibly threatened by the disapproval of others. Society conditions women to be caring, giving, unselfish etc...
The Confidence Gap: Research shows women need to be 85% sure of something before they feel able to speak up and share their opinion.
The Expectation Gap: Research shows that women's expectations are only 50% of men's expectations even though they have attained the same educational level and are from the same economic background, and it's even less for women of colour.
The Power Punishment: This is the way in which women who express themselves well and have successful careers or wealth are judged harshly in culture as being 'selfish', 'unlikeable' ' a 'Queen Bee'. This can severely limit their possibilities. They are judged by both men and other women. This happens across ALL cultures.
Examples of barriers women face include a finance manager who cared for her parents while adjusting to an empty nest, a middle aged woman re-entering the workforce after her children left home and navigating biased office politics, and an executive who was forced to retired at 60 in her profession to care for her elderly parents. Once they passed away she felt an unfulfilled void in her life and is seeking a new career.
There have been countless stories of highly-degreed women falling victim to the female brain drain. Some left their jobs early in their careers, despite having credentials rivaling or besting their male counterparts, because they were carrying the burden of the family caregiving.
All these blocks and barriers exist within women's one key place: Women's Self Concept. This is made up of a Matrix of beliefs that is the overall sum of our beliefs about ourselves, about others and about God/Spirit of the Universe itself. What we believe about life....friendly or a cold harsh world.
Our self concept informs and shapes our experiences in life in far reaching ways. It's what forms our expectations, the underlying sense of what we deserve to have (or not have). Our core of self concept depends on how we see ourselves, how much love we think we deserve, how much wealth, how much visibility, in short who we ARE, and what is and is not possible.
I help you achieve this through the most direct and shortest pathway, in a gentle and holistic way. It's a process of growth that is going to have you show up in your life and succeed.
A 'pathway' to who you will become, and to be able to physically step into seeing a deeper understanding about who you really are and who others are. This is a statement of the 'deeper truth' of your worth and power to learn, grow, change and succeed in your area of vision. Leave all the fear and scarcity behind! The radiant butterfly unfolding her wings ready to fly. Ready to change the world.
So walk through the doorway, the path is right in front of you.
Break free from the barriers holding you back. You cannot do this by yourself. Go from being confused and unclear as to what to do, to feeling absolutely confident and clear about each step to success and how to get there.
Contact me today for a FREE half hour Discovery Call: HERE